End of Life Doula
To the best of my ability I will support you and your family through the final moments of your life in a compassionate, professional and honest way.
(Mission Statement)

What is a Doula?
As a qualified End of Life Doula, my role is to support the person who is reaching the end of life and also their family. This support may be in the form of emotional support, through conversation, shared reading or music; spiritual support (eg. meditation, Reiki), or may be practical support, for example taking the client shopping or to the bank, taking details of funeral arrangements and other end of life wishes, or writing a letter dictated by the client.
I can support the family's wellbeing by sharing the care of their loved one.
I may, towards the end, be asked to keep vigil beside the client.
I will show the client and their family empathy, respect and warmth, while remaining non-judgemental, maintaining confidentiality and showing integrity. I am reliable, patient, authentic and have a sense of humour!
I will offer information about local support services, funeral options and other relevant queries, but I will not advise on which option should be taken as that is always a personal choice.
I will encourage the client to consider how they want to spend their remaining time and what their wishes are for their final hours, for example who they would like present, what music they'd like to listen to, etc.
I will be a link between the client and their family and/or the hospital or hospice.
It is important to note that I am not a medical professional and not, therefore, able to give medication or provide intimate personal care which will be provided by other professionals.
I will not be involved in any legal or financial business, other than to help facilitate meetings or signpost the client or their family.
Please contact me for more information or to book a free consultation.

The service I offer
The personally tailored support I offer will include:
Face to face emotional/spiritual/practical support in the client's home or a mutually agreed location
Telephone, email or video support during agreed hours
Liaison with the client's family, including the establishment of a cascade of information and support
Information about and signposting to other organisations/ agencies as appropriate
Encouragement for the client to be mindful of their emotional health and wellbeing at all times
Support in the last days of life
Support for the immediate family at the time of death and afterwards
My support may also include:
Spiritual support (eg. meditation/Reiki)
Essential oils (eg. hand massage/diffuse)
Writing and conducting the funeral/memorial of choice

Confidentiality is essential from a legal perspective and it also helps to establish a mutual sense of trust and openness. Once trust is established, a client may choose to share insights of a more personal nature. This might be something they haven’t previously shared, even with family, or it may be something they need to ‘get off their chest’ before they die.
All personal information shared between the client and myself will be be considered private and will not be shared with anyone unless that is the client's wish. I may take notes after meeting with a client but these will be minimal and will be stored securely in a locked cabinet or on a password protected laptop.
There are some exemptions to confidentiality, for example if a client discloses to me something that constitutes a criminal act, or gives me cause to believe they may cause harm to others or to themself. In these cases, I will be legally bound to break confidentiality for their own or others’ protection.
At the first meeting with the client, a Contract will be agreed between the client and myself. This will include a Mission Statement, an explanation of confidentiality, a list of the services I am able to provide and the associated costs.
Leaving Gracefully

The Leaving Gracefully Package is a document that is designed to work alongside your Will and other legal documents. It offers a wealth of information on the practicalities of death and dying and insights into many of things that are to be considered when taking responsibility for end of life preparations.
I use the Leaving Gracefully document to record a client's details and wishes leading up to the end of their life and also their wishes that are to be carried out after their death. This enables the client to leave clear instruction for how they are to be cared for and how their affairs are to be organised after their death.
Further information can be found here: